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About our School

Ramona Elementary School


Ramona's PBIS reward program is aligned with our school-wide S.P. A. R.K behavior expectations that are incorporated in daily morning announcements.

S = Safe

P = Positive

A = Active Learner

R = Respectful

K = kind



Ramona Elementary School, was established in 2005 . Our school began as a K-5 grade school and is now a Tk-6th grade school. 

Academic success is a priority at our school daily.  At Ramona, we highly value a safe and welcoming learning environment, a climate of caring and support for every child to  benefit  from  our  instructional  programs,  academic  achievements,  school  facilities,  highly qualified staff, textbooks and technology.  A special emphasis is placed on providing an instructional program designed to boost student confidence and increase subject matter proficiency, with extra integration   of   college/career   ready   skills,   visual/performing   arts   opportunities   and   STEAM activities.

We prioritize social emotional learning at our school. Behavioral expectations are implemented, monitored, and evaluated following the “Positive Behavior Intervention and Support” (PBIS) research-based process.  Our schoolwide PBIS Rewards Program works to incentivize students' good choices and behavior with a point system where students can shop an online student store for prizes.



Dream Big! Believe in Yourself! Achieve Your Goals


Our mission is to build a safe and welcoming, student-centered learning community, bolster high academic and behavioral expectations and bring up productive and responsible citizens in a constantly changing world.


Our school will begin utilizing AVID strategies in grades 4, 5, and 6 in  the 2023-204 school year. AVID prepares students for college elgibility and success. 

Who We Serve

Ramona Elementary proudly serves 553 students TK-5. 

Student Group Number Percentage
Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 514 93.0%
Emergent Bilinguals
(English Learners)
170 30.7%
Students with Disabilities 113 20.4%
Students in Foster Care 1 0.2%

*These numbers reflect the 2023-2024 report on Dataquest. DataQuest is the California Department of Education’s web-based data reporting system for publicly reporting information about California students, teachers, and schools. 

Ethnicity Number Percentage
African American 44 8.0%
American Indian or Alaska Native 0 0.0%
Asian 7 1.3%
Filipino 2 0.4%
Hispanic or Latino 474 85.7%
Pacific Islander 1 0.2%
White 10 1.8%
Two or More Races 10 1.8%
Not Reported 5 0.9%

*These numbers reflect the 2023-2024 report on Dataquest. DataQuest is the California Department of Education’s web-based data reporting system for publicly reporting information about California students, teachers, and schools.